The Daily Breeze and Beach Reporter Report on McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP’s El Segundo Police Department Retaliation Lawsuit

As reported by The Daily Breeze and The Beach Reporter, McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP filed a lawsuit on behalf of Scott O’Connor, a tenured El Segundo police officer who claims he was retaliated against after he spoke-out against important police related budget issues.

The lawsuit alleges that between 2014 and 2016, as a board member of the El Segundo Peace Officers Association, O’Connor publicly spoke out against city budget cuts that jeopardized public safety and the El Segundo PD’s ability to properly serve the public. As a direct result, O’Connor was denied promotion.

When a police officer is “identified as a complainer, you get marked and your career is just done because (you’re) ‘no longer a team player,’” Partner Matthew McNicholas said in his interview. He added that “[this] is how they punish you in police departments; they change your assignments and black-ball you from other agencies.”

Read The Daily Breeze article.

Read The Beach Reporter article.