What Is a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury?

Coup-Contrecoup Brain InjuriesWhen an individual is involved in an accident where their head is bumped or struck, there is significant risk of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Traumatic brain injuries are very serious injuries. There are various types of TBIs, but one that is commonly overlooked is the coup-contrecoup brain injury.

This type of brain injury is not a minor inconvenience or something that should be belittled in hopes it will resolve on its own. Rather, a coup-contrecoup brain injury is a life-threatening injury that requires medical attention immediately.

How is a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury Unique?

A coup-contrecoup brain injury is “an injury that occurs both at the site of trauma and the opposite side of the brain.” This means that when a head injury (coup) is experienced, the brain may also shift and strike the opposite side of the skull, resulting in another injury (contrecoup). Essentially, a coup-contrecoup brain injury refers to two separate injuries to the brain that happen either simultaneously on in close succession.

What Typically Causes Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injuries?

Coup-contrecoup brain injuries are usually caused by severe force or impact to the head, causing the brain to slide to the other side and strike the skull. Typically, doctors will run tests and find coup-contrecoup brain injuries by looking for damage to both sides of the brain.

For example, if you fall and hit your forehead on the pavement, it is probable that your brain would also collide with the back of your skull. Accordingly, when doctors assess your injuries, they will look for injuries on both sides of the skull to determine if you have a coup-contrecoup brain injury. Below is a list of several of the most common accidents that lead to coup-contrecoup brain injuries in Los Angeles, CA:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: Whether you are driving an automobile, motorcycle, or a truck, the risk of being in an accident is constant. In the event of a motor vehicle accident, it is common for individuals to experience head trauma from a cranial collision with the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield. Operating a motorcycle carries the risk of being thrown from the bike and instantly colliding with the pavement. While a motorcycle helmet may mitigate some of the impact force from the accident, it may not fully prevent head or skull injuries. As a result, you may suffer a coup-contrecoup brain injury.
  • Sports accidents: Many children and adults love to play sports, staying active, and exercising. However, if they fail to wear the right protective gear, make one wrong move, or partake in an aggressive sport, they may be at risk of experiencing a coup-contrecoup brain injury. Some of the sports in which these brain injuries occur most frequently include football, boxing, wrestling, horseback riding, and hockey.
  • Bicycle accidents: Cyclists may collide with cars, pedestrians, or other bicycle riders. Even if the cyclists wear a helmet to protect their head, the risk of a coup-contrecoup brain injury remains very possible. This is because bicyclist accidents often result in severe head trauma from cranial impact with roadways, cars, trees, poles, or other nearby objects.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians often enjoy walking to and from work, going for leisurely strolls to enjoy fresh air, or using walking as a form of exercise. However, motorists frequently fail to pay attention to pedestrians as they cross the street, resulting in severe accidents and life-altering injuries. This is because pedestrians typically do not wear protective equipment while walking, and motor vehicles weigh several thousands of pounds more than the average human. Therefore, coup-contrecoup brain injuries, along with many other serious injuries, are often a result of pedestrian accidents.
  • Workplace accidents: While at work, your responsibilities may include operating machinery, lifting heavy boxes or products, or working with electrical wires. Regardless of what type of work you do, there is still a risk of falling and hitting your head on an object or the floor. In such instances, a coup-contrecoup brain injury may occur.
  • Slip and fall accidents: Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere: at parks, grocery stores, shopping malls, friends’ homes, restaurants, and more. In fact, any location with slippery or wet surfaces poses a hazard, increasing the risk of slipping and falling. In the event of a slip and fall accident, there is a significant risk that you may hit your head on a hard object or surface nearby. For example, you might slip on a spill in one of the aisles at your local grocery store, resulting in hitting your head on the floor. This initial impact could cause your brain to jolt quickly and collide with both sides of the interior of your skull. This collision, if severe enough, may lead to a coup-contrecoup brain injury.

How is a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury Diagnosed and Treated in Los Angeles?

After experiencing a head injury, it is crucial to seek immediate medical assistance. Neglecting any type of brain injury increases the risk of enduring permanent complications and, in severe cases, even death. The National Center for Biotechnology Information explains that once you notify your doctor about your accident, they will conduct a head CT scan to detect the presence of a coup-contrecoup or other serious brain injury. If the CT scan identifies a coup-contrecoup injury, there are several treatment options that may be suggested, such as:

  • Brain surgeries
  • Physical rest
  • Intracranial pressure monitoring
  • Prescription medications
  • Physical and occupational therapy

Recovering from a coup-contrecoup brain injury can be a process that spans several years. During this recovery, your physician will closely monitor your progress, schedule follow-up appointments, and design a treatment plan that is customized to your unique needs.

If you or a family member has experienced a coup-contrecoup brain injury due to the negligence of another person or entity, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of McNicholas & McNicholas’ many talented personal injury lawyers. Our team possesses extensive experience, expertise, and knowledge in handling coup-contrecoup brain injury claims. We remain ready and willing to assist you with the legal aspects of this matter whenever you are ready to proceed with your claim. Schedule your remote consultation by filling out our contact form today.

This blog is not intended to be used as legal advice. Every case is very fact specific. Therefore, if you need legal advice based on your current situation, please consult with a lawyer to get the help you need as soon as possible.