Why the Constitution Matters and What We Must Do to Protect It – Patrick McNicholas and Rachel Talento Author Daily Journal Article

Given the current political climate and the upcoming presidential election, the need for civic education in the pursuit of constitutional protection is more urgent than ever. In their Daily Journal article, Partner Patrick McNicholas and Attorney Rachel Talento discuss the judicial branch’s role as the first line of defense against constitutional threats, and how we can ensure youth are given the resources needed to be active participants in society to help protect the future of our democracy.

McNicholas and Talento explained that Trump’s loss in the 2020 litigation battles was due in large part to the judicial branch and their efforts to protect the Constitution by ensuring the rules and procedures set forth were properly interpreted and followed.

Given the lack of knowledge among U.S. citizens regarding their basic constitutional rights, putting an emphasis on the importance of civic engagement will help to increase knowledge and political participation as well as help to combat the spread of the misinformation, social inequality and the extreme political divisions that led to the 2020 election challenges. McNicholas and Talento noted that community organizations such as Teach Democracy can provide a crucial step to fostering a civic-minded population.

Read the Daily Journal article here. (Subscription required)